Mini-wheats Cereal, Vanilla Creme 16.7 oz

Lightly sweetened whole grain wheat cereal. Naturally and artificially flavored. Excellent source Fiber (5 g); Whole grain; Sodium free. Kellogg is pleased to introduce a series of easy-to-spot banners designed to help you select cereals to meet your goals for a healthier lifestyle and greater well-being. Warm, indulgent aroma - Rich creme flavor - The taste of vanilla baked into every bite. A classic flavor combination meets a family favorite. Whole Grain: Just one bowl of any Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats provides at least 85% of your daily whole-grain needs. Diets rich in whole grain foods and other plant foods, and low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may help reduce the risk of heart disease. American Heart Association: Meets American Heart Association food criteria for saturated fat, cholesterol and whole grains for healthy people over age 2. Exchange: 3 Carbohydrates. The dietary exchanges are based on the Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, copyright 2003 by The American Diabetes Association, Inc. and The American Dietetic Association.